Streets of SimCity - Maps

Combustion Circuit - Created by ashes1032

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Map Name Release Date Author Download
Aleksand 15 June 2022 Parker B. Download Link
Hibbins 15 May 2022 Parker B. Download Link
Water Blossom 15 May 2022 Parker B. Download Link
DaCreamer 15 May 2022 Parker B. Download Link
East Siggins 15 May 2022 Parker B. Download Link
Estanban 15 May 2022 Parker B. Download Link
Hibbins 15 May 2022 Parker B. Download Link
Airfoil Archipelago 06 September 21 ashes1032 Download Link
Dragon Lake 30 August 21 ashes1032 Download Link
Ardensville 22 November 20 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Baywood Glen 22 November 20 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Highland Canyons 20 December 19 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Hove Beach 22 November 20 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Zonah National Forest 02 January 20 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Career Road Patches 20 April 20 Alek Download Link
Diamond City 15 May 19 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Encino 15 May 19 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Fairhaven City 5 May 19 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Odessa 08 July 17 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Selsburg 09 October 19 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Combustion Circuit 21 June 20 ashes1032 Download Link
Top Secret 30 November 19 Alek Download Link
Marquette County 05 November 19 ashes1032 Download Link
Liriodendron County 06 October 19 ashe1032 Download Link
Lake Invictus 15 September 19 ashes1032 Download Link
Ash Park 09 September 19 ashes1032 Download Link
Station Square 15 May 19 Lamboguy633 Download Link
Westover 15 May 19 Lamboguy633 Download Link

Loading Streets of SimCity Scenarios
1. Place the scenario file (.scn) inside of scenarios/Movie
2. Place the map file (.sc2) inside of cities
3. Run the game and select New/Load Game
4. Select Track 1 (Movie) and scroll to the scenario

Streets of SimCity Scenario Release Date Author Download
Desert Run 02 April 2021 racraccoon Download Link
Bomb Squad 02 April 2021 racraccoon Download Link
Sunday Drive 02 April 2021 racraccoon Download Link
Race Arena 10 August 2020 Thane Vim Download Link